Source Flow
We know you want the stuff, but until you know you are the stuff, you will always be wanting the stuff.
You are pure positive Source Energy. You are the one & only creator. This experience is you. The entire experience is emanating from you & expanding as you move from moment to moment, shifting every aspect into what you expect & believe. Every single human here is also the one & only Source, Creator. The center of their own individual & unique Universe. Each one crating themselves & their experiences. Each moment of this life experience is unfolding, happening, continually & constantly becoming. You are always shifting your experience into being as you expect & believe it to be. You are the creator & the creation.
You set up this experience as Source & stepped into this roll of human willingly, excitedly, & with intentions. You established an environment to allow your intentions to be fulfilled. You placed a lot of things here to get your attention because you knew they would interest you. You set yourself up with the ability to make changes by making decisions & determining preferences from where you now stand as the human living life experiences. You designed it to be an easy process. When you make a determination & softly focus your attention on these things & experiences you prefer, you knew you would easily experience the choices you make. You easily determine your preferences as you live life here in this experience. Your determination, your choice, your preferences is your asking Source you to make it so. You had no worries or concerns about that because Source always says yes to everything you focus on. You knew this process of choosing and determining what you prefer is part of the fun of this experience. You also knew you would experience contrast & that contrast would be beneficial to you when you were unclear. You included contrast to show you when you are focusing your attention on the opposite of your preferences. You knew contrast would be a beneficial focusing tool to refocus on what have become your own personal preferences.
You also knew yourself to be Source. With that understanding of self, you knew that in this individual human experience, you would determine preferences & the Source within you would prioritize those preferences and make them easily available for you to experience. You know that, as the Source of everything, you have this human life handled.
You are Source Energy. You are limitless. There is nothing out of reach for the creator of everything that exists. Everything you as this human prefer is here, done, available, & ready for you to allow into your experience.
Things you determine you want to experience are simply focusing tools to feeling experiences.
Money is an example of a focusing tool for prosperity. So are cars, houses, planes, boats, & toys of all kinds. Prosperity is the feeling of freedom, fun, & unlimited. (You determine the feeling for you.)
Other people are focusing tools for relationships & interactions. Relationships feel like love, connection, companionship, romance, & understanding. (You determine the feeling for you.)
Places are focusing tools for experiences you would like to have. Places feel like home or adventure. Thrill or calm. Interest or excitement. (You determine the feeling for you.)
These tools may inspire you to focus your attention. As humans you sometimes believe that the focusing tool is the condition or circumstances you are looking to experience. As you experience life, conditions & circumstances do evoke a feeling response. What you are really reaching for is the feeling. When you get yourself into being able to feel the feeling you want to experience without the need for the conditions & circumstances everything that feels like you feel will become your experience.
People are the focusing tools.
Relationships ar the feeling experiences.
As humans you have been using other people to determine how you feel about you. You have been influenced by friends, family, media, fashion, culture, style, & trends, all of those managed by some other humans & their ideas & preferences . The only thing that truly matters in this life experience is how you feel about you. The relationship between human you, & Source you, is the relationship that matters most. When you establish that relationship as the primary relationship, all other relationships have to be in that same vibrational vicinity to feel fulfilling to you. When you are in alignment with the whole of you, when you know who you are, when you appreciate you, when you love being you, that is the vibration you send out & that is the vibration being matched by others. Other people must be in the vibrational vicinity of your beliefs & expectations to get your attention. When you do not match vibrationally you feel the offness. When you are in vibrational alignment with aspects you prefer in another you feel the similarities. Matching vibration relationships feel good & easy. When you are in harmony with you those that are harmonious with themselves will find you. Those are the relationships you want to experience.
Money is a focusing tool.
Prosperity is the feeling experience.
As humans you have been using money to determine the value & worth of objects & experiences. Money is simply a focusing tool to assist you in focusing your attention on an experience of prosperity. There is not enough money in existence to represent you. Prosperity is the vibration of your unlimited nature. Prosperity is the knowing that you can have any & everything you prefer. You are prosperity. Prosperity is the experience you are looking for.
You are Source Energy. Your worthiness & value can not be measured. There is nothing capable of determining the value of your existence. You are immeasurable, invaluable, infinite, unlimited, & expanding. Infinitely becoming more in every unfolding moment. You are Source Energy. Configuring. Constructing. Generating. Replenishing. Resourcing. Creating. Loving. Infinitely. Eternally. There is nothing more valuable than you. Nothing more worthy than you. Nothing more deserving than you. Trust you. Believe in you. Know you. Understand you. Love you. Be you.

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